Tuesday, January 31, 2012

INTERNET FREEDOM: The Past, Present and Future of Internet Censorship

When oppressed people's only means of awareness of their plight is found online, the freedom of internet is not a technological, political or social problem; it is a human rights issue.

In recent years the general public has mobilized to face legislative threats to Internet freedoms.

Far from a conclusive victory, however, the death of SOPA and PIPA only highlight the latest in a series of measures that are seeking to create a legal framework for government-administered Internet censorship.

They are trying to butcher the internet because the internet is a powerful tool against being brainwashed.

The Past, Present and Future of Internet Censorship

Aaron Swartz: How We Stopped SOPA

ACTA: A global treaty could allow corporations to police what we do on the Internet. Last week we successfully pushed back the US censorship bills -- if we act now, we can get the EU Parliament to bury this new threat -- add your voice now!

To all members of the EU Parliament: As concerned global citizens, we call on you to stand for a free and open Internet and reject the ratification of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), which would destroy it. The Internet is a crucial tool for people around the world to exchange ideas and promote democracy. We urge you to show true global leadership and protect our rights.

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