Knowledge of Today Facebook Page has been unpublished without any explanation

Monday, April 8, 2013

Knowledge of Today Facebook Page has been unpublished without any explanation

UPDATE (Aprl 11 2013): It appears that our website being maliciously reported as 'phishy', triggered Facebook's automatic anti-spam algorithms to unpublish our Facebook page 2 days ago. However, Facebook hasn't officially replied anything to our appeals.

You can help us avoid such situations in the future, by submitting your rating to WOT Reputation ratings.

UPDATE (Aprl 9 2013): GOOD NEWS! The page has been restored but it's still limited. Our page's admins received (see screenshot below), a third notice: 'Your Page's posts are blocked from appearing in News Feed. This limit is temporary and expires Tuesday, April 16 at 2:10pm.'

The third notice was received approximately 5 hours after the second one.

UPDATE (Aprl 8 2013): Our page's admins were just notified (see screenshot below): 'Your Page has been unpublished and it cannot be published again. This limit is temporary and expires Tuesday, April 16 at 6:48am.'

The second notice was received approximately 8 hours after the initial one.

Knowledge of Today Facebook page has been unpublished today without any explanation.

You can support us by KINDLY asking Facebook to republish the page.

Here's the link:

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