UPDATE (Aprl 11 2013): It appears that our website being maliciously reported as 'phishy', triggered Facebook's automatic anti-spam algorithms to unpublish our Facebook page 2 days ago. However, Facebook hasn't officially replied anything to our appeals.
UPDATE (Aprl 9 2013): GOOD NEWS! The page has been restored but it's still limited. Our page's admins received (see screenshot below), a third notice: 'Your Page's posts are blocked from appearing in News Feed. This limit is temporary and expires Tuesday, April 16 at 2:10pm.'

UPDATE (Aprl 8 2013): Our page's admins were just notified (see screenshot below): 'Your Page has been unpublished and it cannot be published again. This limit is temporary and expires Tuesday, April 16 at 6:48am.'

Knowledge of Today Facebook page has been unpublished today without any explanation.
You can support us by KINDLY asking Facebook to republish the page.
Here's the link: https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/357161520978587?rdrhc