September 2012

Sunday, September 30, 2012

The man who changed Iceland - The message for Greece

The man who forced the government of Iceland to resign and kicked out the IMF representatives from his country, Hordur Torfarson, is now teaching meta-modern democracy throughout Europe. The rest of the world would benefit from following the example set by Iceland: Arresting the corrupt bankers who are responsible for the current economic turmoil.

Iceland's president explained how his country recovered so quickly from the recession: “The government bailed out the people and imprisoned the banksters — the opposite of what America and the rest of Europe did.”

ICELAND. No news from the Icelandic Revolution?

The true measure of the leader is not how many follower he has, but how many leaders he creates. Too many people hold the idea that psychopaths are essentially killers or convicts. The general public hasn't been educated to see beyond the social stereotypes to understand that psychopaths can be entrepreneurs, politicians, CEOs and other successful individuals who may never see the inside of a prison. The difference between bankers and the mafia is becoming increasingly indistinguishable.

Control Your Money or Your Money Will Control You Change your attitude toward debt. Every time you use credit for a purchase think, “Debt is slavery; I am making myself a slave.

“Manipulators rarely advise you to seek new and diverse information or to 'learn and research for yourself,' it tends to be safer for exploitative and irresponsible leaders to keep their citizens in the dark; in their view less independent thought is better. Independent thought leads to an inquiring mind, a mindset that eventually leads to the questioning of authority figures, and that is the one thing that inadequate leaders do not want.”

Governments have never existed to solve problems domestic or international. Governments and their institutions exist merely to further and secure the interests of favored groups, but We the People are never the favored group.

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Saturday, September 29, 2012

President of Iran talks about peace and justice as US boycotts address

CNN truncated this speech.

“I do not believe that Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and others have any problems among themselves, or are hostile against each other. They get along together comfortably and live together in an atmosphere of peace and amity. We are all devoted to the cause of justice, purity and love.” — Mahmoud Amadenijad

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's eighth address to the UN General Assembly was defined mostly by its absences: The Syrian conflict and an infamous anti-Muslim film weren't mentioned, and the US delegation wasn't present in the chamber.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called for world leaders to serve their people, not rule over them during his speech before the UN General Assembly on Wednesday. In a surprise turn, Ahmadinejad’s speech took on an almost poetic bent evoking “the spring of humanity and the greenery of all ages.”

During his address, the word “peace” was used 12 times, “justice” 15 and “love” 13. Peace and love were not the only items on the agenda, as Ahmadinejad enumerated a litany of injustices that had occurred throughout history despite the striving of “righteous people and justice seekers.”

Several barbs were specifically directed towards the West. Ahmadinejad decried the “current abysmal situation of the world,” saying it resulted from “the self-proclaimed centers of power who have entrusted themselves to the Devil.” He further lambasted the “arms race” and “nuclear intimidation” being perpetuated by “hegemonic powers,” as well as “the continued threat by uncivilized Zionists to resort to military action.”


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Thursday, September 27, 2012

9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out

A daring new documentary that uses scientific analysis to challenge the official 9/11 story became the most popular film on PBS during the week of the 9/11 anniversary, which followed its record-breaking broadcast on Colorado Public Television (CPT12). The documentary, produced by Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, currently ranks as the #4 “most watched” video and the #1 “most shared” video.

Over 40 experts in high-rise architecture, structural engineering, metallurgy, chemistry, physics, explosives, and controlled demolition share their professional expertise and insights about the events of 9/11. Additionally, 8 psychological experts discuss why proving controlled demolition of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers can be so difficult for individuals to accept.


“The crisis is a crisis in consciousness, a crisis that cannot anymore accept the old norms, the old patterns, the ancient traditions and considering what the world is now, with all the misery, conflict, destructive brutality, aggression and so on. Man is still as he was, is still brutal, violent, aggressive, acquisitive, competitive and... he has built a society along these lines.” -Jiddu Krishnamurti

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Monday, September 3, 2012

WikiLeaks founder's Exclusive Interview

Uruguayan journalist Jorge Gestoso interviews Julian Assange from within the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. Originally aired on GamaTV, August 30, 2012.

“Well, there's a question as to what sort of information is important in the world, what sort of information can achieve reform. And there's a lot of information. So information that organizations are spending economic effort into concealing, that's a really good signal that when the information gets out, there's a hope of it doing some good.” -Julian Assange

Julian Assange's exclusive interview in London, UK, Ecuadorian Embassy - You have to start with the truth. The truth is the only way that we can get anywhere. Because any decision-making that is based upon lies or ignorance can't lead to a good conclusion.

“Intelligence agencies keep things secret because they often violate the rule of law or of good behavior.” -Julian Assange

Julian Assange makes his first public appearance in two months, ever since he took refuge in the Ecuadorian embassy in London. The WikiLeaks founder was granted political asylum on 16 August 2012, a decision that ignited a wave of international responses, with the UK and Sweden opposing the verdict and Latin American countries strongly supporting Ecuador's move. Assange's speech on August 19, 2012.

“You have to start with the truth. The truth is the only way that we can get anywhere. Because any decision-making that is based upon lies or ignorance can't lead to a good conclusion.” -Julian Assange

Noam Chomsky and Tariq Ali are two giants of the intellectual left. They join Julian to discuss protest movements, democracy, and how the West completely failed to anticipate the Arab Spring.

Chomsky identifies that the warning signs were there, with the roots of the protests in Tahrir square in labour movements and protests taking place in Egypt as early as June 2008. He admits "You asked if I predicted it, and no I didn't. But it's now happening worldwide." As with most in the West, neither man saw it coming, but both agree on the causes of the global cycle of protest and revolution. "Democracy has become petrified"; the increasing ossification of social mobility, and the increasing inequities of wealth and power, are all the result of the failure of Western democracy.

According to Ali, "we are witnessing that democracy is becoming more and more denuded of content. It's like an empty shell. This is what is angering people. They feel 'whatever we do, whatever we vote for, nothing changes.'" - Russia Today TV (Russia) - June 26, 2012

Every time we witness an injustice and do not act, we train our character to be passive in its presence and thereby eventually lose all ability to defend ourselves and those we love. -Julian Assange

WIKILEAKS: The Global Intelligence Files
WIKILEAKS: The Spy Files

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