CAUSE AND EFFECT - The Consequences of What We Take for Granted

Monday, February 18, 2013

CAUSE AND EFFECT - The Consequences of What We Take for Granted

EVERYONE should watch and share this short video. Please take just 5 minutes to watch, and share to help spread the message for those who take their lives for granted. One share and a few words is enough to make a difference, one person at a time. Created by Gus Serrano.

Following 3 characters as they perform seemingly harmless tasks of normal American life, see the tragic consequences behind buying consumer electronics, filling a car with gasoline, and eating meat--though found footage that is 100% real and, respectably, considered legal, not harshly prosecuted, and 'humane'.

This film was originally produced for a writing class, WRIT 1122 at the University of Denver, under the instruction of Professor Matthew Hill. The project involved 'remixing' media for a cause that has meaning to us--so we tackled 3, mixing found footage with our own forte of original and interesting narrative filmmaking. Shot on a Canon 60D in 50 & 60 fps at 720p, and edited in Sony Vegas 12.

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