The pharmaceutical industry does not create cures; they create customers. Did you know that ALL Vaccinations cause far more immediate and long term neurological and physiological dangers to children than the disease its supposed to cure? There is now an abundance of conclusive scientific proof that this is the case.
“The adverse reactions to immunizations are more common than many people realize.” -Dr. Rebecca Carley
Learn the TRUTH about vaccination and the Big Pharma Coverup in this video compilation created by Dr. Gary Null
Why should YOU study vaccination?
- Did you know 'bleeding' was practiced for over 1000 years before the public realized its worthless and harmful nature?
- Do you know 89% of doctors get their 'information' about vaccination from Pharmaceutical sales agents?
- How much time would you spend on research before you purchased a washing machine, a car, a home?
- Would you spend an equal or greater amount of time researching an "Immunization Program", a decision which has life and death consequences for yourself and/or your children?
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