Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is a naturally occurring hallucinogenic substance that appears in many plants all over the world and even the human body. Because DMT "is" the spirit molecule, it is the reason we dream and the source of having near death experience. Our bodies produce DMT in our sleep within our brain in the pineal gland, which is considered to be the third eye.
Pharmaceutical-grade DMT is the gateway to a myriad trans-dimensional realms that hold the keys of mind-expansion and forbidden knowledge. Spiritual people meditate to self produce DMT into creating a inner world of vision. Dr. Rick Strassman has done a clinical study on this and published 2 books: DMT: The Spirit Molecule and Inner Paths to Outer Space. To learn more, these books are a good starting point.
Why is DMT illegal if it occurs naturally in everyone's brain?
Think about this. It was Francis Crick (English molecular biologist, biophysicist, and neuroscientist) who admitted to using small amounts of LSD to boost his power of thought, of which lead him to win a Nobel prize for his works on the structure of DNA.
Dr. Kary Mullis (Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1993) was intermittently under the influence of LSD as he developed the polymerase chain reaction, a genetic sequencing technique through which scientists can detect certain infectious diseases, map the human genome, and trace ancestral heritage back thousands of years.
Steve Jobs called LSD “one of the two or three most important things” he'd experienced. Bill Wilson claimed it helped to facilitate breakthroughs of a more soulful variety: Decades after co-founding Alcoholics Anonymous, he tried LSD, said it tuned him in to the same spiritual awareness that made sobriety possible, and pitched its therapeutic use—unsuccessfully—to the AA board.
However, for decades, the U.S. government banned medical studies of the effects of LSD. We as human have the tools for unlimited potential, why must the governing law take them away?

“Governments don't want a population capable of critical thinking, they want obedient workers, people just smart enough to run the machines and just dumb enough to passively accept their situation.” -George Carlin
The government does not want us to expand our consciousness. If we begin to recognize that we are powerful souls who create our reality, it will take away their power to enslave us. This is why there is fluoride in the water, chem trails in the sky, reflecting HAARP energy to affect our minds and aspartame in our food and GMOs. This is why we are bombarded with distractions to keep our minds occupied with things that don't matter, they don't want us to think at all, but to expand our thinking is their worst scenario...
Terence McKenna (November 16, 1946 – April 3, 2000) was a modern philosopher, whose main interest was psychedelics and their role in society and existence beyond the physical body. This is one his best speeches where Terence teaches us to think for ourselves and to enjoy every moment of our lives.
One of his many speeches that can change your perception of life and realize how we can enjoy our lives at its full capacity by enjoying every little thing that happens through our every day life. Do what you feel, not what your told. Think for yourself! Do not be afraid; you are a creator with unlimited potential!
Terence McKenna - Reclaim Your Mind
“A true zombie is nothing more than an unconscious being apathetically and lifelessly lumbering across the planet buying and consuming everything in its path, unsatisfied, unfulfilled, anxious and unstill.” -Judith Froemming
Following his first experience with DMT, Director Mitch Schultz was inspired to create a series of four documentary films beginning with DMT: The Spirit Molecule which explores a new paradigm for consciousness, the quantum consciousness.
At the center of awareness lies a simple, natural molecule that potentially exists in all living organisms. A molecule that consistently produces a mystical experience, and may be the seed to the ultimate connection to It. Viewed through the lens of Entheogens, consciousness encounters the quantum world, generating and fostering Gnosis, but this state of consciousness can also be explored via a variety of ancient and esoteric knowledge around the world.
DMT: The Spirit Molecule - Watch the Full Movie below
Joe Rogan on Hemp, Marijuana and DMT

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