When oppressed people's only means of awareness of their plight is found online, the freedom of internet is not a technological, political or social problem; it is a human rights issue.
In recent years the general public has mobilized to face legislative threats to Internet freedoms.
Far from a conclusive victory, however, the death of SOPA and PIPA only highlight the latest in a series of measures that are seeking to create a legal framework for government-administered Internet censorship.
They are trying to butcher the internet because the internet is a powerful tool against being brainwashed.
Aaron Swartz: How We Stopped SOPA
ACTA: A global treaty could allow corporations to police what we do on the Internet. Last week we successfully pushed back the US censorship bills -- if we act now, we can get the EU Parliament to bury this new threat -- add your voice now!
To all members of the EU Parliament: As concerned global citizens, we call on you to stand for a free and open Internet and reject the ratification of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), which would destroy it. The Internet is a crucial tool for people around the world to exchange ideas and promote democracy. We urge you to show true global leadership and protect our rights.
To all members of the EU Parliament: As concerned global citizens, we call on you to stand for a free and open Internet and reject the ratification of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), which would destroy it. The Internet is a crucial tool for people around the world to exchange ideas and promote democracy. We urge you to show true global leadership and protect our rights.
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