Greetings Members of the World,
A New Era Has Come, Anonymous is no longer playing nice, and we do not intend to ever play nice. We have seen you Corrupt our People, Corrupt our country and we will not sit and watch as you allow bills such as SOPA and PIPA to be passed.
On January 19, 2012 a popular sharing website named Megaupload was taken down. We were not hesitant and reacted quickly. Remaining to our word, we took down their main sources UMG, MIAA and FBI are down.
Our Power is too strong and soon they will have to listen to the people. This is a time of action. We as a nation must come together and fight the tyrants! Do not sit and watch! Do not sit and cheer! Use your powers. Artists be creative, Singers be lyrical, Writers spread our word! We will not be silenced!
NEWS ON THE REVOLUTION :!/bioniK_!/anonops!/YourAnonNews!/AnonymousIRC!/TruthofToday
Take it either way but the US dept are fighting back for their humiliation yesterday due to Blackout over the internet. Now they have SHUT down the Megaupload site for piracy allegation. While even the most dumbest of all could understand that it is clearly revenge for the protest against SOPA-PIPA act. In addition to the shutting down 4 people from Megaupload were also arrested and $50 million+ worth of assets seized.
Anonymous launches largest attack ever, crippling government and music industry sites. Hacktivists with the collective Anonymous are waging an attack on the website for the White House after successfully breaking the sites for the Department of Justice, FBI, Universal Music Group, RIAA and Motion Picture Association of America.
Many members of Congress have just changed their stance on the controversial Stop Online Piracy Act, or SOPA, the raid on Megaupload Thursday proved that the feds don’t need SOPA or its sister legislation, PIPA, in order to pose a blow to the Web.
Anonymous hacked many sites and started a new mission called #OpMegaUpload. The hacked sites include:
Federal Bureau of Investigation (
Motion Picture Association of America (
Universal Music (
Belgian Anti-Piracy Federation (
Recording Industry Association of America (
HADOPI law site (
U.S. Copyright Office (
Universal Music France (
Senator Christopher Dodd (
Vivendi France (
The White House (
Warner Music Group (
Proof was given by the Department of Justice itself on its twitter account. Here is the screenshot: